Privacy Policy

This page duly and diligently informs you about Actovision IT Solutions Privacy Policies. Our Privacy Policies have been drafted in details to showcase our commitment to privacy in all circumstances duly.

Personal Information Sharing

Actovision IT Solutions may ask you to provide certain personally identifiable information including but not limited to your name, email Id, address, and contact number. In all circumstances, Actovision IT Solutions collects personal information only for marketing purposes and business communications. Only authorized individuals have controlled access to the same. We do not share or distribute any personal information or documentation connected to corporations or individuals associated with Actovision IT Solutions outside Actovision IT Solutions. We keep your personal information duly protected and confidential.

Personal information is never shared out of Actovision IT Solutions without your permission except under the conditions explained below.

1) Actovision IT Solutions is bound to share your personal information in order to comply with the valid legal processes and applicable laws, or for the protection and maintenance of the personal safety of the public, individuals or corporations under consideration.

2) Actovision IT Solutions may share your personal information when we have your consent to share your personal information.

3) Actovision IT Solutions shares your personal information to companies or organizations who work on behalf of Actovision IT Solutions and need the same for due delivery of a product or service to you. Such companies and organizations sign a binding contract with Actovision IT Solutions that clearly prohibits them from using and sharing your personal information without your consent. They can only use your personal information for conducting business communications and are bound to share your personal information in order to comply with the valid legal processes and applicable laws, or for the protection and maintenance of the personal safety of the public, individuals or corporations under consideration.

Data Safety and Protection

During the course of meeting its legal obligations, carrying out its business and performing its services, Actovision IT Solutions collects your personal data. However, Actovision IT Solutions utilizes advanced industry-standard security measures to prevent loss, alteration or misuse of data, unauthorized access to or unauthorized release of personal data in any manner. Only authorized personnel and individuals responsible for handling this data for the purpose of client communications and correspondence have safe yet strict access to collected personal data. Actovision IT Solutions stands liable to strict action against any employee who fails to adhere to the company’s data safety and protection standards. The General Protection Regulation guarantees the privacy of clients (GDPR) rules and regulations. Actovision IT Solutions has duly modified its policies in correspondence to GDPR collection, processing, and storage of personal information guidelines.

Cookies and Visitor Tracking

In the process of undertaking competitive business practices Actovision IT Solutions uses cookies. A cookie is a small text data that is stored on the webserver to track user traffic patterns. Even though most of the browsers accept cookies by default, users can disable it if they wish to via browser settings. Actovision IT Solutions makes use of cookies to understand visitor preferences and serve them better. Our servers are securely and specifically programmed to only track user preferences and not user personal information without consent.

Changes to Our Privacy Statement

Actovision IT Solutions reserves all the rights to change, update or make any amends to its Privacy Statement at any given point of time without giving any notice whatsoever. All modifications made to Our Privacy Statement will be in effect immediately after being posted on this page or from the any other dated proposed by Actovision IT Solutions. It is absolutely your responsibility to periodically review our Privacy Statement during your period of association with Actovision IT Solutions. Your constant association with Actovision IT Solutions constitutes your full agreement, consent and acknowledgement with the current Privacy Statement. It also denotes your consent to abide and be bound by the modified Privacy Statement.


If you observe that Actovision IT Solutions has breached your privacy in any way, you can drop an official complaint at out grievance desk, and your concern will be treated with higher precedence and duly and diligently handled to the extent of our legal obligation.

Contact Information

If you have any questions, queries, or inquiries about our privacy policies or legal guidance, feel free to contact us.